In 2016, Monstercat picked up an insane amount of new artists. Newcomers like Notaker and soupandreas made their debuts, as well as some well-established names like Marshmello and Seven Lions. Out of the dozens of new recruits, the one I happened to glance over completely was a young Ohioan talent named Glacier. Though I didn’t think he and Q’AILA made a great pairing on his label debut “Dancing by Myself,” Glacier’s instrumental followup release is nothing but pure bliss. “Neos” uniquely combines future bass and jazz with a danceable beat, making for an undeniably catchy, yet creative work. Additionally, the song is riddled with varying instrumental solos, ranging from synths to straight-up flute. To showcase his range of talents, Glacier has also released an accompanying music video for the song. In it, Glacier is shown playing out each part of the song on different instruments, edited to be showcased as – almost – a full band. At one point, even, there are six Glaciers on screen at the same time. The video is both captivating and amusing, I would highly suggest a watch. If you like it, support the artist with a buy below! Support on all platforms: This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Glacier – Neos [Monstercat]
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