As the world patiently awaits the return of Gorillaz, the animated and enigmatic project has kept fans satisfied with graphic stories, eclectic playlists, and stirring mixes. Now it’s Noodle’s turn to take the spotlight. The latest piece of content to emerge from the sonic sapiens is 30 minutes of, as Noodle puts it, “kick-ass women who in their own individual ways are true pioneers in the writing, production and creation of MUSIC.” The mix includes cuts from Lully, Grimes, Abra, and Kali Uchis – who’s track “Ridin Around” is the certain stand out on this ode to women who are unapologetically themselves — all while taking the music industry by storm.
Mystere De Voix Bulgares (Bulgarian Women’s Choir) – Kaval Sviri
Anna Meredith – Nautilus
Lully – Slow D’s
Grimes – Realiti
Kali Uchis – Ridin Around
Fatima Al Qadiri– Szechuan
Empress Of – Woman is a Word
Haitus Kaiyote – Molasses
Laurie Anderson – O Superman
Abra – Vegas
Mica Levi & Oliver Coates – Barok Main
Delia Derbyshire – Doctor Who