You recently released ‘Evolet’ via Sirup Music. What was the thought processes behind this


The thought process was a track built 100% for the club, now I’m working on a new sound, more mainstream and I am sure you’ll like it a lot!


Being the resident of Pacha must mean you have a lot of amazing tour experiences. Could

you share what has been your personal tour highlight so far?

There are many magical moments. Incredible experiences every night with DAVID GUETTA.

I have shared a cabin with many of the best DJs in the world. I have presented my music

every Thursday and I have learned a lot each week.


What do you have in store in terms of gigs this year?

This year is loaded with many shows, we will try to do more than the previous year.

Many festivals, many countries and the best clubs …

You have all the info on my website …


What’s your main goal for 2018?

Finish all the music that I have pending, take forward my personal projects and achieve

the objectives that we have in the marked team.

I know that everything I’m going to show musically will take me to another musical level.

Prepare to get a new musical TAAO KROSS.


Do you have any new tracks coming soon?

Now we are shortly editing a new track with BLANCO Y NEGRO MUSIC and behind it comes

a lot of great music, with incredible vocals.

Next on May 5 comes “Start a fight” feat by Haneri.


Name one track which is always being played in your sets at the moment…

A mashup that I always close every show for a while …

Swedish House Mafia vs Alesso & One Republic vs 3 Are Legend – Don’t You Worry If I Lose

My Legend